Saturday, February 13


13/2 三十晚 除夕! 不用我说,大家都知道今晚要做什么吧? BINGO! 就是吃团圆饭~

其实吃团圆饭可说是个很好的习俗呀.. 我们都懂,现在的人,每天都在拼命做工赚钱没办法,现在的经济不好,万物都在不停地起价,若不努力赚钱,又怎么生存得了? 你同意吗?
哈哈! 我没有哦~ 因为公公婆婆都住在巴生所以每个礼拜六都会
去吃饭聊天.. 这样感情才不会变淡嘛!

今天又是一年一度的团圆饭,大家都可以聚在一起吃饭咯! 婆婆家好热闹啊! I LIKE IT! Erm… 想一想,虽然每年都好像在吃同样的菜,但是应该不会吃腻,因为每道菜都很有婆婆和妈妈的味道哦! ***怀念*** n_n

也在今天,所有的堂弟妹,表弟妹都可以在一起玩看看好久没见的宝宝们,恐怕他们已经长大了呗~ 宝宝发育得很快,所以有时见到他们都会大吃一惊,认不出了.. 呵呵~
记得以前小小的时候,我们这些小猴子都会在除夕时打麻将(小小年纪就会了哦~ ^^Y贪爽罢了啦~ 回想起来,好像没玩了leh.. **手痒了** 希望今晚有得玩咯那打麻将的声音好动听悦耳! 麻将咖一定会同意… blek~

晚上还会拜拜,到时就有烟花看了我家这儿是蛮热闹的啦每年都有很多烟花看,很漂亮neh! Erm.. 因该不止有演化烟花,还有孔明灯和红炮哟!! 孔明灯 徐徐上升,红炮 噼里啪啦 ,带给我们一点新年的气氛

虽说新年快到了,但是今年好像没什么气氛嘚? 你是不是也有同感?
今年的新年衣买少了,因为很难买neh… 不知道什么原因.. why why tell me why?  到现在都还不知道明天要穿什么衣leh… T.T

初一 :婆婆家拜年(拿红包) à 看电视 à 睡觉到下午 à 外公家拜年
拿红包) à 看电视 à à à 还是 à 晚间活动就得看当时的安排咯~ 闷,对不对?

初七 S2 kaki有聚会,对吗?错的话就update我一下! 谢谢~ 是蛮期待的啦...毕竟我们很久没会面了,再不聚一聚感情会变淡的! >.< 不知道大家有没有变了样? 让我认不出? 呵呵~ 期待咯!

就写到这里了,祝大家新年快乐! enjoy your CNY! happii  year~  >.^

Friday, February 5

"上" 天堂

看完我前一篇的文章,你是不是觉得我很可怜leh? 无可否认,要看别人脸色工作真的很可怜!
不过,就在前几天,我终于从地狱去到天堂了!不但不用站酱久,更不用热晒雨淋! 开心到~
来到天堂,就要学习如何包礼篮.. 我这才知道礼篮可不容易包呢! 
天堂的第一天(3/2),由于我还不会包,所以就被人家吩咐包香菇... 就是.. 拿个袋子,然后秤180克的香菇,之后就封口,再放进盒子就可以了!... 一盒茶花菇就包好了~ 面对着香菇那么久,害到我有了“厌菇症”.. 现在就还好啦.. 香菇蛮香的... 包香菇的当儿,我就到处瞄瞄,看见他们在包礼篮,还蛮羡慕的! 第一天就普普通通地过了咯~

第二天(4/2),我终于有机会包礼篮lu... 好忙啊!太多订单了,包到手酸(礼篮很重一下的~)!!! !! 讨厌包礼篮了啦... 还害到我的指甲了... T.T 我的手伤痕累累呀! 我们之所以会酱忙,还要 “多谢” 嘉叶leh.. 要不是他一直弄破包装纸,我们就不用了又了又咯!(连我们的阿头都不爽他了啦~)gao gao zan, mou bong can.. (cantonese)

5/2 ,早上很得空,就偷懒偷懒一下... 有一点闲... 怎知,lunch 过后突然有很多order.. 个个忙到~ 这些顾客就是酱,喜欢 last min.. 害到我们要赶工!转眼间,已是六点,yes! 放工了! 唉~明天又要做回同样的东西,厌了...  就好像每天吃一样的东西,吃到怕了...

(1)其实在“地狱”时,也有开心的时候啦.. 在此要多谢chuan yao, ting yukshin siang 咯! 他们不时会来探望我,跟我讲话,才不至于那么闷.. shin siang喜欢拿冰淇淋来引诱我! chuan yao leh 就喜欢拿顾客送他的东西来串我,有时也有分享啦~ 谢谢你哦.. chuan yao 是个贴心的男孩.. 2/2 我 off.. 那天晚上他还会sms来提醒我隔天记得有工作! 可爱到~~ thank you thank you very much.. 

(2)在公司,有个女职员叫 Jennifer.. 她应该是嘉叶的阿头.. 唉.. 每天喜欢把我跟嘉叶混为一谈,说我跟嘉叶很像... (拜托~一点都不像啦!)今午又问我为什么没跟嘉业一起吃午饭(奇怪,为什么要跟他一起吃leh...)=.= 然后又说我跟嘉业一起等成绩,然后就一起去读书... 我就应她说:“pui pui pui.. 我才不要跟他一起读书leh..” 回想起来,我好像有点hor... 哈哈~ paiseh luu~

明天还要工作,今天就写到这儿了... 嗒嗒~

Monday, February 1

" 新人" -- ME


生气到~ 真的很想骂人。杀人!你可以想象吧?

一定不知道为什么叫被骗吧?因为我是去interview for hampers packaging 的,9a.m – 6p.m.. 最后被录取了!是很开心的一件事(我把“工作”想象成快乐的事)

*paiseh.. very mafan to type Chinese.. so I cham cham lo.. hehe..*

today morning I summore went early neh.. dunwan give ppl bad image ma.. later ppl tot : this ppl hor.. 1st day onli adi late..

mana tau… they called me go downstairs.. outside the wisma.. got 年货展.. go thr be a promoter..
walao.. weather so hot.. summore wanna stand for so long.. 气死(2

y angry? Not jz tat.. 

# the initial dismiss time is 6 p.m when interview.. nw work until 7PM! tired man..

# kena tuduh.. bo song!!!

Dunwan to talk too much bout this.. jz tat my head didn’t tell me wat time to pack, but jz tell me wat time dismiss.. so today v r the latest to check stock and pack.. kena marah lo.. innocent.. u din tell me wat time to pack, but u told ppl u had.. fine.. SMALLER one is oways to be blame.. BIGGER one is oways right! 气死(3

# this society hor.. really gt many kind of ppl.. (this s bout customer one) I think most of the promoter experienced these b4.. today I met 2 customers who made me pek cek..

C1 > this customer came to my stall and looking at the hampers.. so I ask him: ”wana buy hampers?”  he jz showed me COOL face.. okay fine.. let u act cool lo.. then he walked away and looking around.. suddenly he came back and said wanna buy hampers H02 I think.. (our hampers got code one) so I quickly open bill for him lo.. then he asked for sth.. hw to tell u all wats tat? Erm.. sth like a card tat written To : & From :.. get it? If u dun get it oso nvm.. then I guide him to the counter.. summore help him took the hampers.. he asked me: “whr is the card?” then I said : “ah.. 等一下har.. 我要去楼上拿 (4th floor)”. After tat he said: “什么等下? 我不能等料!” so OKAY la.. I took the other card from one of the hampers and give him lo.. really… 气死(4jz bought a hampers for Rm218 nia.. still wanna act cool.. the way he talk really very kiam pa! 我忍!

C2 > this customer can made me pengsan.. hai.. the exact scene very complicated.. so I shortcut ba~ he already pay-ing his thgs at the cashier.. then suddenly came to my stall to buy thgs.. and rushed me to open bill.. keep on rush!! Fine.. I jz wanna tell him : hey.. open bill oso need sm time one okay.. date, quantity, unit price, total price and sign summore.. sure take sm time la! U tot 1,2,3,4,5,a,b,c,d,e meh.. 气死(5

Customer part  consider finish lu..

# partner part.. today partner with one girl which is one year older than me.. but she looks like same age with me.. partner with her a bit toh hui.. most of the bill I opened one.. I jz feel like she oways waiting me to open the bill.. okay.. so I oso not so stu la.. I purposely walked far away from the CASH BOOK.. stand in front of the stall.. so next time would be her turn to open the bill.. partner.. v should take turn to open the bill la.. not jz depends on me.. summore u r JIE JIE.. dun bully MEI MEI in this way neh.. 气死(6

not jz like this..

when it is 7p.m.. our stall was in a chaos! Coz v haven pack the thgs and check stock.. while others r going back home already.. some ppl came to help us.. so.. kena blame d lo.. “y so late d stil haven pack?” , “this check stock adi o nt?” , “whr is the boxes tat keep the products?” Questions all around..

while im going to take the boxes.. I inform my partner to check stock 1st.. when I came back.. she straight away pass the stock list paper to me and ask me to check stock.. I said in my heart : “wat the.. y cnt u do it and must pass to me? U wan me to 收拾烂摊子alone??!! So I should take ur salary izzit?” so irresponsible!!!!!!!!!!! 气死(7

hahah.. okay.. the feeling of angry already gone.. better now.. tmr I off.. yeah~

paiseh ya.. a bit rush.. very diff to type chinese.. for me.. so I use BROKEN ENG.. paiseh paiseh..

haha.. today so dai tau har.. I 4got tmr I off.. summore called ppl help to buy lunch for me tmr.. so finding mean to solve the prob.. jia yap! HELP~!

* oh ya.. I wanna tell WEI MEI.. u mus be glad and count ur blessing.. coz u r not employed! Phew~ *.*